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Price: $17.95 Qty: Description More Information American History Timeline Cards176 cards depicting people and events from secular and Church historyOur double-sided design makes these cards perfect for memory games and drills as well as adding to a timeline.Ideas for games are included!Each card includes a picture and name of a person or event on the front.Dates and information are on the back along with the unit of Connecting with History in which it is studied.Simple cut lines are included for easy cutting of these 4x4 cards.Use them along with our Daily Lesson Plans to solidify basic facts.Also available:American History Rhyme-Line Cards and Sing-Along CD Juan Ponce de Leon First Franciscan Missionaries Arrive in “New Spain” Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca 9 Million Aztecs Baptized by Franciscans Sublimis Deus Francisco Coronado "New Laws of the Indies” St. Augustine, Fl Founded Fr. Eusebio Kino Bartolomé de las Casas Giovanni da Verrazzano Jacques Cartier Founding of Québec Fr. François de Laval St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Fr. Marquette, Louis Joliet Exploration Fr. Louis Hennepin Madeleine de Verchères New Orleans Founded Expulsion of the Acadians Pocahontas Jamestown Founded The Mayflower Squanto Ark and Dove Expedition The Charter of Maryland Established William Penn Colonial Anti-Catholic Laws Peter Stuyvesant St. Marie Marguerite D’Youville Maryland Act of Religious Toleration Salem Witch Trials King Philip’s War Jonathan Edwards “Great Awakening” French & Indian War Benjamin Franklin Gen. George Washington Chief Pontiac Stamp Act King George Iii Sons Of Liberty Patrick Henry Boston Massacre John Adams Boston Tea Party First Continental Congress Minutemen Townshend Acts Lexington and Concord Paul Revere Thomas Paine Declaration of Independence Battle of Bunker Hill Loyalists Crossing of the Delaware River Gen. Benedict Arnold Valley Forge Charles Carroll John Paul Jones Franco-American Treaty of Alliance Marquis de Lafayette Victory at Yorktown Gen. Charles Cornwallis George Rogers Clark Treaty of Paris Shays’ Rebellion Articles of Confederation The Constitution Thomas Jefferson John Carroll Bill of Rights Daniel Boone Northwest Ordinance Fr. Stephen Badin Fugitive Slave Law Washington's Farewell Address Alexander Hamilton John Quincy Adams James Madison Alien and Sedition Acts Nathaniel Bowditch Louisiana Purchase St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Junipero Serra Lewis and Clark Expedition Sacajawea Benedict Joseph Flaget War of 1812 Tecumseh Alexis de Tocqueville Star-Spangled Banner Construction of Erie Canal Rose Philippine Duchesne The Missouri Compromise Santa Fe Trail Monroe Doctrine Andrew Jackson Trail of Tears Chief Black Hawk Texas War for Independence Battle of the Alamo Sam Houston Davy Crockett Oregon Trail Jedediah Smith Pony Express Simon Bruté St. Théodore Guérin Bl. Marie Rose Durocher U.S. Placed Under the Patronage of “The Immaculate Conception” California Gold Rush St. John Neumann Harriet Beecher Stowe Frederick Douglass Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman Harper's Ferry Dred Scott Decision Lincoln-Douglass Debates Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos Fr. Abram Ryan Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Attack on Fort Sumter Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gen. Robert E. Lee Emancipation Proclamation Battle Of Gettysburg Surrender at Appomattox Gettysburg Address Reconstruction Transcontinental Railroad 15th Amendment Andrew Johnson Homestead Act Buffalo Bill Fr. Pierre-Jean de Smet Fr. Augustus Tolton Great Fire of Chicago Fr. James A. Healy Battle of Little Bighorn Sitting Bull Chief Joseph Fr. Michael J. McGivney Wounded Knee St. Damien of Molokai Andrew Carnegie Morse Invents Telegraph Mccormick Invents Mechanical Reaper Howe Invents Sewing Machine Bell Invents Telephone Edison Invents Light Bulb John D. Rockefeller Booker T, Washington Chinese Exclusion Act The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Mother Jones Pinkertons The Grange George Washington Carver Statue of Liberty Sherman Anti-Trust Act St. Katharine Drexel Rerum Novarum Ellis Island Opened to Process Immigrants St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Spanish-American War U.S. Construction of the Panama Canal Mother Mary Alphonsa (Rose Hawthorne) Theodore Roosevelt Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Wright Brothers’ Flight World War I: American Homefront Card size: approximately 4"x 4" Printed on glossy, white card stock. 6 cards per page. Share your knowledge of this product. Be the first to write a review »