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Beginner-Grammar COMBO - Year 1
Connecting with History Beginner Grammar Combo Book Package - Volume 1
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Retail $379.06
Package Price $334.00

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Because Connecting with History is designed with multi-age teaching in mind, you have the flexibility to combine age levels. Many of the suggested resources in our program, although listed for a particular age group, can also be used by more than one level.

If you have students in both the Beginner and Grammar levels you can simplify your selections by choosing this package of books that combines books from both levels and eliminates duplicates.

The package includes:

These non-fiction materials provide the core of your child's history studies for the year.
Each age level uses a Companion Reader or Core Textbook to provide an overview of the time period. The readings from these spines are broken into short assignments for each unit.

After this basic overview, the student reads from interesting non-fiction books that provide more detail. These are fascinating books that bring history into greater focus.

While textbooks and non-fiction provide historical information, literature and historical fiction bring history to life in a very personal way. These living books enrich your child's knowledge, engage their interest, and provide memories that will last a lifetime!

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great Variety of Books April 23, 2021
Reviewer: Angel M. from Universal City, TX United States  
This package has a great assortment of books appropriate for both beginner and grammar levels. Some books are aimed a little more toward the beginner while others more toward the grammar levels. It is a good mix of books to cover each unit. The items came well packaged and were lovingly placed inside. Some of the books included are suitable for multiple units and I really like the convenience of being able to thumb through the books ahead of time and prepare each unit at the beginning of the year. This package allows us to do that and I like that I can use it for both our children. I love that the books included were thoughtfully and prayerfully considered for suitability and age appropriateness.

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